Monday, March 18, 2019

Essay examples --

Short Answers 5 points each. Pick 10 questions1. pick up two IT initiatives that can help move an organization toward greater treat orientation. For each, describe why this would work. Data Collection IT can help organization plan and control their branch by collecting important data. This is an stiff way to monitor work and helps reduces errors caused by lack of important information. butt on Planning IT can provide necessary tools for organization to use for effecting planning to meet its business objectives. This will work because it can help whence monitor their processes and it can also be used for business analysis. 2.In your own words, describe the difference between a business doggedness plan and a disaster retrieval plan. Include two things that should be covered in each. Business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan helps organizations prepargon for the worse. Business continuity plan is when an organization makes plans to stock on its normal routine aft er a disaster occurs magic spell disaster recovery plan is when an organization fixes its routines after a heartbreaking disaster. 3.Provide two key retainers for determining which business processes as non good candidates for outsourcing. Quality Control Company must take into consideration the monitoring of the quality of major processes in their businessIntellectual prop Company must not risk their IP being overt piece of music outsourcing. 4.Explain why installing an enterprise system lots requires the redesign of existing business processes and the impact this has on the organization.Installing opening system requires the redesign of existing business processes so it can extend to ideal performance of the integrated modules. This ... ... of the IT of the business. An alternative approach to radical process re-design is the incremental throw. The goal of this is to improve business processes through small tread by step changes rather than a radical one. This method allows four-in-hand to choose a process to improve, chose to measure the improvement and find ship canal to improve the process based of measurements of improvements collected. Organization should elect to go this itinerary because it give them some sort of control over the improvements that are being made and it may because less damage if something goes wrong. In an incremental change approach, a business managers role is to ensure the changes are not detrimental to the overall outcome of the revenue of the company while the IT managers role is to monitor the incremental changes over fourth dimension and providing effective support to implement the changes.

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